Welcome to the ICST Doctoral Students 2024 prize of Université Paris Saclay and Institut Polytechnique de Paris
This prize is awarded each year to the research work of doctoral students from the ED STIC of Université Paris-Saclay and from IP Paris doctoral school (from the IDIA and ICE fields) for their excellence. It aims to energize and motivate doctoral students by rewarding them and exposing their work to the community, particularly to young researchers during their thesis. The prize is intended to promote all types of scientific production: articles in journals or conferences, but other types of contribution are also welcome: evaluation campaigns or production of hardware and/or software systems. For each category, proof of recognition of the work will be required: communication in a journal or conference with a program committee for an article, attested results for an evaluation campaign that may include a publication, demonstration at a conference, or another event for a software. All doctoral students and all doctors whose defense date is after June 1, 2023, are concerned. Any research work produced between June 1, 2023, and December 31, 2024, and at most four months after the defense can be submitted.Submission terms
- A completed standard form to download here: Standard Form ;
- An access to the production allowing its evaluation and which can include, as an example, one or more of the following elements: pdf file, website link (for experiments, software), demo video (for experiments, software), installation link (for experiments, software);
- An explanatory document (attached to the form) giving:
- a text of about one page that presents the contribution for an audience of ICST researchers not necessarily specialists in the field;
- all the information enabling the jury to assess the scientific quality of the contribution and its national or international, academic or industrial visibility. For conference or journal articles, this includes necessarily a copy of the evaluation reports (including the successive versions in case of revision), the acceptance rate (conference), or the impact factor (journal) if known. For an evaluation campaign, one expects the ranking obtained, the number of candidates, and the website describing the campaign and its results. For a software, in addition to the link to the software repository, information on its number of users and/or downloads.
- In case of several authors/contributors, the role of each and the importance of his/her contribution must be explicit.
- A letter supporting the application for the thesis award, written by the thesis director or principal supervisor. This letter should include information allowing the best possible evaluation of the candidate's contribution to the submitted work.
Welcome to the stic24 submissions site.
The deadline for registering submissions has passed.