CSC5101 – Advanced Programming of Multicore Architectures

Parallel and Distributed Systems track

Teachers 2023/2024

Coordinator : Gaël Thomas

Group Teacher
All Gaël Thomas


Schedule 2023/2024

The courses take place at Telecom SudParis/Palaiseau: 19 Place Marguerite Perey, F-91120 Palaiseau.

In order to see the courses remotely, you just have to follow this link:


Course Day Lecture/lab Lab
Time Group Room Teacher Time Group Room Teacher
I Thursday 21/9 9h45 to 13h00 All 4B01 Gaël Thomas 14h00 to 17h15 All 4B01 Gaël Thomas
II Thursday 28/9 9h45 to 13h00 All 4B01 Gaël Thomas 14h00 to 17h15 All 4B01 Gaël Thomas
III Thursday 5/10 9h45 to 13h00 All 1A207 then 3A209 Gaël Thomas 14h00 to 17h15 All 1A207 then 3A209 Gaël Thomas
IV Thursday 12/10 9h45 to 13h00 All 4B01 Gaël Thomas 14h00 to 17h15 All 4B01 Gaël Thomas
V Thursday 19/10 9h45 to 13h00 All 1A207 Gaël Thomas 14h00 to 17h15 All 1A207 Gaël Thomas
V/VI Thursday 26/10 9h45 to 13h00 All 5B01 Gaël Thomas 14h00 to 17h15 All 5B01 Gaël Thomas
Exam Thursday 16/11 15h00 to 17h00 All 1A201 and 1A207 Gaël Thomas
Rattrapage Saturday 3/2 10h00 to 12h00 All 4A312 Gaël Thomas