Theme 3 - Next generation digital infrastructures

CS Department of IP Paris


Acronym Name Institute Research topics Contact
ACES Systèmes embarqués critiques autonomes Telecom Paris PDS
ASR Autonomous Systems and Robotics ENSTA PDS, Cloud, IoT, Mobile
CCN Sécurité des réseaux Telecom Paris IoT, Mobile
Cedar Rich Data Analytics at Cloud Scale X/INRIA Cloud, PDS
Cosynus Cosynus X PDS
DiSSEM Distributed Systems, Software Engineering and Middleware Telecom SudParis IoT, PDS, Cloud
Epizeuxis Epizeuxis X Network, IoT, Cloud
GTO Télécommunications optiques Telecom Paris Network, Quantum
IQA Information Quantique et Applications Telecom Paris Quantum
Methodes Méthodes et modèles pour les réseaux Telecom SudParis Network, IoT, Mobile, Cloud
PDS Parallel and Distributed Systems Telecom SudParis PDS, Cloud
R3S Réseaux, Services, Systèmes et Sécurité Telecom SudParis Network, Mobile, IoT
RMS Réseaux, Mobilité et Services Telecom Paris Network, Mobile, IoT, Cloud
Tribe Internet Beyond the Usual X/INRIA Network, Mobile, IoT, PDS