Department of Institut Polytechnique de Paris

CSDAI Best PhD thesis for 2024

Intelligent Orchestration of High Performance, Scalable, and Correct Data Centres As a Network Service

The CSDAI department has awarded its best PhD thesis for 2024:

First prize for Maxime Bombar, LIX

Advisors: Alain Couvreur, Thomas Debry-Alazard

Structured Codes for Cryptography: from Source of Hardness to Applications

Accessit for Sayan Biswas (LIX)

Advisor: Catuscia Palamidessi

Understanding and optimizing the trade-off between privacy and utility from a foundational perspective

Accessit for Luc Brogat-Motte (LTCI)

Advisor: Florence d’Alché Buc

Structured Prediction with Output Regularization: Improving Statistical and Computational Efficiency

Accessit for Nicolas Donati (LIX)

Advisor: Maks Ovsjanikov

Robust representations for supervised and unsupervised 3D shape matching

Accessit for Zhiyuan Yao (LIX)

Advisor: Thomas Clausen

Intelligent Orchestration of High Performance, Scalable, and Correct Data Centres As a Network Service

Thanks to the committee, Bruno Defude (Samovar), Constantin Enea (LIX), Natalia Kushik (Samovar), Antoine Manzanera (U2IS), Sébastien Canard (LTCI)

Awardees will present their work during the 2024 IDIA day (june 28th, Telecom)