IDIA day, June 26th, Télécom Palaiseau
The IDIA department organises its annual day on friday june 28th at Telecom (amphi Thevenin). This event is dedicated to all IDIA members. For logistics reasons, registration is free but mandatory.
During this event, you will have talks about the diffent activities of the department, discussions about the department and scientific presentations.
Preliminary program:
9h-9h45 welcome and IDIA activities (B. Defude)
9h45-10h15 presentation of Spiral and Committee of Ethic for Research (J. Eagan)
10h15-10h45 coffee break
10h45-11h30 Quantum communications (R. Alléaume, LTCI)
– E4H (E. Angelini)
– Hi!Paris and the cluster IA initiative (G. Richard)
12h30-13h30 lunch
13h30-14h30 Evolution of the organisation of digital sciences at IP Paris (S. Mimram et F. Tupin)
14h30-15h15 Vincent Lepetit (ENPC) : Self-Supervised Discrete+Continuous Optimization for 3D Scene Understanding
15h15-16h S. Mover, LIX: Verification Modulo Theories: using first-order theories to automatically prove software correctness
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