Department of Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Very successfull 2024 ANR call for projects

8 new projects funded by ANR in the 2024 call for projects (6 young researcher projects and 2 collaborative projects).
Congratulations to:
– Jhony Heriberto GIRALDO ZULUAGA, LTCI (DeSNAP, Réseaux Neuronaux Simpliciaux Profonds pour le Traitement Avancé de la Géométrie), JCJC project
– Rémy GRÜNBLATT, Samovar (SNR, SimulatioN pour la recherche en Réseaux), JCJC project
– Kevin JIOKENG, LIX (MPNets: Des réseaux sans fil multi-fonctions pour une vie plus intelligente), JCJC project
– Johannes LUTZEYER, LIX (GraspGNNs, Opérateurs de Décalage des Graphes Pour, Dans et à Partir Des Réseaux Neuronaux Des Graphes), JCJC project
– Enzo TARTAGLIONE, LTCI (BANERA, Recherche d’architecture neuronale tenant compte des biais), JCJC project
– Weiqiang WEN, LTCI (HELO, Fondements de complexité de la cryptographie efficace sur réseaux), JCJC project
– Jesse READ, LIX (DGSP, Traitement de signaux dynamiques sur graphes), PRC project
– Pierre SUTRA, Samovar (CENTEANES : Vers des applications serverless correctes par construction), PRCE project

IDIA day, June 26th, Télécom Palaiseau

The IDIA department organises its annual day on friday june 28th at Telecom (amphi Thevenin). This event is dedicated to all IDIA members. For logistics reasons, registration is free but mandatory.

During this event, you will have talks about the diffent activities of the department, discussions about the department and scientific presentations.

Preliminary program:

9h-9h45 welcome and IDIA activities (B. Defude)

9h45-10h15 presentation of Spiral and Committee of Ethic for Research (J. Eagan)

10h15-10h45 coffee break

10h45-11h30 Quantum communications (R. Alléaume, LTCI)


– E4H (E. Angelini)

– Hi!Paris and the cluster IA initiative (G. Richard)

12h30-13h30 lunch

13h30-14h30 Evolution of the organisation of digital sciences at IP Paris (S. Mimram et F. Tupin)

14h30-15h15 Vincent Lepetit (ENPC) : Self-Supervised Discrete+Continuous Optimization for 3D Scene Understanding

15h15-16h S. Mover, LIX: Verification Modulo Theories: using first-order theories to automatically prove software correctness

CSDAI Best PhD thesis for 2024

Intelligent Orchestration of High Performance, Scalable, and Correct Data Centres As a Network Service

The CSDAI department has awarded its best PhD thesis for 2024:

First prize for Maxime Bombar, LIX

Advisors: Alain Couvreur, Thomas Debry-Alazard

Structured Codes for Cryptography: from Source of Hardness to Applications

Accessit for Sayan Biswas (LIX)

Advisor: Catuscia Palamidessi

Understanding and optimizing the trade-off between privacy and utility from a foundational perspective

Accessit for Luc Brogat-Motte (LTCI)

Advisor: Florence d’Alché Buc

Structured Prediction with Output Regularization: Improving Statistical and Computational Efficiency

Accessit for Nicolas Donati (LIX)

Advisor: Maks Ovsjanikov

Robust representations for supervised and unsupervised 3D shape matching

Accessit for Zhiyuan Yao (LIX)

Advisor: Thomas Clausen

Intelligent Orchestration of High Performance, Scalable, and Correct Data Centres As a Network Service

Thanks to the committee, Bruno Defude (Samovar), Constantin Enea (LIX), Natalia Kushik (Samovar), Antoine Manzanera (U2IS), Sébastien Canard (LTCI)

Awardees will present their work during the 2024 IDIA day (june 28th, Telecom)

ICST PhD day, june 2024, Palaiseau

The third edition of the STIC doctoral day on the Saclay plateau is organised on June 25, 20243 at CentraleSupélec (Théâtre Rousseau). This day is organized jointly by the IP Paris doctoral school of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and the STIC doctoral school of the University of Paris Saclay. It benefits from the support of the IDIA (Computer Science, Data, Artificial Intelligence) and ICE (Information, Communication, Electronics) departments of IP Paris as well as the Computer Science and Digital Sciences graduate school of the University of Paris Saclay.

This scientific day is aimed at all PhD students in ICST and their supervisors, from the University of Paris-Saclay and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris.Lectures are given by two invited speakers, Fabian Suchanek (LTCI, Institut Polytechnique de Paris) and Emilie Chouzenoux (CVN, Inria, Université Paris-Saclay), by the winners of the 2023 Doctoral Prizes of the Plateau de Saclay and by the winners of the PhD thesis prizes 2024 from the IDIA and ICE departments. Posters are presented by PhD students from the two universities.

All details on https://doct-stic-saclay23.sciencesconf.org/

ERC Advanced grant for Joris Van der Hoeven

Congratulations to Joris Van der Hoeven from LIX for his new ERC advanced project called ODELIX (Solving differential equations fast, precisely, and reliably)

Differential equations, i.e. equations whose unknowns are functions and in which the derivatives of these functions are involved, are an essential area of research in mathematics. Their usefulness extends to many other fields. They can be used to model, among other things, the movement of planets, the spread of epidemics, or the evolution of a chemical reaction. There are various approaches to solve them, either in a symbolic (exact) way (but these solutions don’t always exist or can be difficult to calculate), or in an approximate way using numerical methods. The aim of the ODELIX project led by Joris van der Hoeven at LIX is to improve our understanding and resolution of these equations. In terms of numerical methods, the project will focus on difficult cases that are currently hard to solve fast and with guaranteed precision. In terms of symbolic methods, the project aims to reduce the problem’s complexity using techniques drawn from computer algebra. Finally, tools such as code libraries will be developed to enable the practical use of these methods.

Oana Goga wins the 2023 Lovelace-Babbage prize

Congratulations to Oana Goga, member of the LIX and the Inria team CEDAR, winner of the 2023 Lovelace-Babbage prize (a joint prize between French Académie des Sciences and Société Informatique de France) for her work on how social media systems and online advertising use AI algorithms to impact our behavior.

more details, https://www.societe-informatique-de-france.fr/recherche/laureats-prix-informatique-lovelace-babbage-de-lacademie-2023/

Oana web page, https://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/~goga/

IDIA day, September 14th, Program

IDIA organizes its annual meeting, september 14th in Telecom building (amphi Estaunié). It is open to all IDIA members (registration is mandatory but free). The program is the following:

– 1PM: welcome coffee

-1:15-1:45PM: IDIA actions for 2023-24

– 1:45-2:00PM: questions and discussions about IDIA

– 2:00-3:15PM: newcomers session 1

– 3:15-3:45PM: coffee break

– 3:45-5:00PM: newcomers session 2

– 5:00-6:00PM: cocktail

Registration is mandatory.

SAUTOS (Safe AUTOnomous Systems) summer school, Saclay, October 23-27 2023

IDIA supports the SAUTOS summer school (https://www.sautos.universite-paris-saclay.fr/) on safe autonomous systems. This school is co-organised by Alexandre Chapoutot (IDIA). Registration before October 2th on https://sautos.sciencesconf.org/.

ICST PhD day, june 2023, Palaiseau

The second edition of the STIC doctoral day on the Saclay plateau was organised on June 20, 2023 at AgroParisTech (Amphi, building A). This day is organized jointly by the IP Paris doctoral school of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and the STIC doctoral school of the University of Paris Saclay. It benefits from the support of the IDIA (Computer Science, Data, Artificial Intelligence) and ICE (Information, Communication, Electronics) departments of IP Paris as well as the Computer Science and Digital Sciences graduate school of the University of Paris Saclay.

This scientific day is aimed at all PhD students in ICST and their supervisors, from the University of Paris-Saclay and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris.Lectures has been given by two invited speakers, Catuscia Palamidessi (LIX, Inria, Institut Polytechnique de Paris) and Benedikt Bollig (LMF, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay), by the winners of the 2022 Doctoral Prizes of the Plateau de Saclay and by the winners of the PhD thesis prizes 2023 from the IDIA and ICE departments. Posters has been presented by PhD students from the two universities.

All details on https://doct-stic-saclay23.sciencesconf.org/

CSDAI best PhD thesis for 2023

The CSDAI department has awarded its best PhD thesis for 2023:

First prize for Antonin Leroux, LIX


François Morain and Luca De Feo

Quaternion algebra and isogeny-based cryptography

Accessit for Cameron Calk, LIX

Advisors: Eric Goubault and Philippe Malbos

Algebraic and topological models of directed systems

Accessit for Emanuele Dalsasso, LTCI

Advisors: Florence Tupin and Loïc Denis

Deep learning for SAR imagery: from denoising to scene understanding

Accessit for Elie Michel, LTCI

Advisors: Tamy Boubekeur

Interactive authoring of 3D shapes represented as programs

Thanks to the committee, Bruno Defude (samovar), Constantin Enea (LIX), Walid Gaaloul (Samovar), Antoine Manzanera (U2IS), Hieu Phan (LTCI)