Master and PhD track in CS

CS Department of IP Paris

When you arrive in France

When you arrive at IP Paris, especially from a foreign country, you may have to do some basic administrative work.

French Phone Number

Opening a French Bank Account

For most of your administrative process, you will need a french bank account. RIB or “Relevé d’Identité Bancaire” is a document which details your bank coordinates. When setting up direct debits or arranging transfers into your account you may be asked for a copy. Here is a list of the main banks that you can find in France:

VLS-TS long-stay visa validation (Link)

Within 3 months of your arrival in France, you MUST validate your VLS-TS.
If you have not taken this step within the allotted time, you will no longer be legally resident in France and, as a result, you will not be able to cross the Schengen area border again!

The process is now completely paperless. To start the validation procedure for your visa, go to the following portal:

You will need:

Health Insurance (Ameli) → Mandatory

You will need to register on the Ameli web site for coverage of your health care expenses throughout your time in higher education. Registration is mandatory and free of charge. It will entitle you to reimbursement of a part of your health care expenses (especially, the health insurance takes charge of the fees for a long stay at hospital). You should also read the useful information provided on this web site.

To be reimbursed for your health care expenses at the highest possible rate, you can take out supplementary health care coverage or coverage from a mutual fund (“mutuelle”).


Will be added soon….