Master and PhD track in CS

CS Department of IP Paris

Life and PhD grants

A life grant (roughly 1000 euros/month) lasts the two years of the master. A PhD grant (roughly 1700 euros/month) lasts the three years of a PhD. When a student applies to the PhD track, the student also automatically applies to both a life and a PhD grant. The student can be accepted in the PhD track either with both grants, only with the life grant or without any grant. When a student applies to the master, this does not lead to an automatic application to the grants.

If you don’t have a life grant (either because you are enrolled as a master student, or because you are enrolled as a PhD track student but without any grant), don’t worry! You can apply to other life grants. For that, you have to contact

PhD grants

If you want to continue with a PhD thesis after the master but don’t have a PhD grant (either as a master or as a PhD track student), don’t worry either! You can apply to a PhD grant at the end of the master. We have many solutions (a PhD grant provided by IP Paris, by a professor through a research project, by a company through what we call a CIFRE PhD thesis). If you want to apply to a PhD grant, you just have to discuss during the master with your professors in order to prepare your application.

  • For X students, you may be funded thanks to an AMX funding
  • You can apply for a PhD grant funded by Hi!Paris
  • You can apply for a PhD grant funded by IPParis
  • The hosting lab (eg. TSP, ENSTA, etc.) may also provide PhD funding
  • PhD advisors may have PhD fundings thanks to research projects (eg. ANR, European projects, …)
  • You can pursue your PhD in a company with a CIFRE funding