Department of Institut Polytechnique de Paris


The research of the CSDAI department is organized in six themes. These themes bring together research groups of five laboratories of IP Paris: LTCI, LIX, Samovar, U2IS and CMAP. Most of the groups participate to several themes:

CS for biology and health

amibio (Algorithms and models for integrative biology)
images (Image, Modeling, Analysis, GEometry, Synthesis)
armedia (Applied Research for (multi)Media Enrichment, Diffusion, Interaction and Analysis)
sar (Autonomous Systems and Robotics)

Next Generation Digital Infrastructures

networks, aces (Autonomous Critical Embedded Systems), rms (Networks, Mobility and Services), pds (Parallel and Distributed Systems), dissem (Distributed Systems, Software Engineering and Middleware), r3s (networks, Systems, Services, Security), methodes
Fundamentals of Computer Science
alco (Algorithms and Complexity, cosynus, combi, max (Algebraic modeling and symbolic computation), optimix, partout (Proof Automation and RepresenTation: a fOundation of compUtation and deducTion), aces (Autonomous Critical Embedded Systems), iqa (Quantum Information and Applications), methodes, ssh (Semantics of Hybrid Systems), sar (Autonomous Systems and Robotics)
Data and Artifial Intelligence

cedar, dascim (Data Science and Mining), dig (Data, Intelligence and Graphs), s2a (Signal, Statistics and Learning), diego (Data IntElliGence and knOwledge), armedia (Applied Research for (multi)Media Enrichment, Diffusion, Interaction and Analysis), sar (Autonomous Systems and Robotics)
Digital Trust
comete, grace, cosynus, r3s (networks, Systems, Services, Security), methodes, aces (Autonomous Critical Embedded Systems), c2 (cybersecurity and cryptography), labsoc (System on Chip), ssh (Semantics of Hybrid Systems), ssh (Secure and Safe Hardware)
Robotics, Visual and Audio Computing, Interaction

geovic (Geometric & Visual Computing), diva (Design, Interaction, Visualization & Applications), images (Image, Modeling, Analysis, GEometry, Synthesis), mm (multimedia), s2a (Signal, Statistics and Learning), armedia (Applied Research for (multi)Media Enrichment, Diffusion, Interaction and Analysis), sar (Autonomous Systems and Robotics)