Object-oriented Programming in C++

Bachelor of Science, École Polytechnique

Abstract Syntax Tree

The objective of this exercise is to familiarize you with inheritance.

In this lab, we will design an interpreter for a lisp language. Lisp was created in the fifties and is the second oldest language of the world. Lisp is based on lists (lisp is an abbreviation for list processing). That means that, in lisp, a complex expression is represented by a list, where the first element of the list is an operation. When lisp evaluates a list, we say that it applies the operation to the list.

In lisp, an expression is written in a fully parenthesized prefix notation. For example, to represent the addition between the integers 1 and 2, we write (+ 1 2). Evaluating this expression means that we apply the operation + on the list (+ 1 2). An expression can be more complex. For example, (* 4 (+ 1 2)) represents the multiplication between the evaluation of 4 and the evaluation of (+ 1 2).

In our lab, we will represent an expression with a tree called an abstract syntax tree (AST). For example, we will represent the expression (* 4 (+ 1 2)) with this abstract tree:

( ) / | \ * 4 ( ) / | \ + 1 2

In the figure, ( ) represents a list, and its leaves give its elements. The list at the top contains three elements: the keyword *, the integer 4 and a sub-list. The sub-list contains also three elements: the keyword + and the integers 1 and 2.

In order to build this tree, we consider four types of nodes:

  • node_t is a generic node. All the other types of nodes inherit from node_t,
  • keyword_t is a node that represents an operation,
  • integer_t is a node that represents an integer,
  • list_t is a node that represents a list.

A generic node_t has three main methods:

  • node_t* eval() evaluates a node and returns the result of the evaluation,
  • node_t* apply(list_t* list) applies an operation to the list,
  • std::string to_string() converts a node into a string in order to print it.

In order to evaluate the abstract syntax tree (* 4 (+ 1 2)), the interpreter call the eval() method of list_t:

  • The eval() method of list_t starts by evaluating the first element of the list (* 4 (+ 1 2))with eval(). Evaluating a keyword returns the keyword, which means that evaluating the keyword * returns the keyword *. Evaluating the first element looks useless because, for the moment, we only consider a list that starts with a keyword. However, in the exercise, you will see that we can replace the first element itself by a more complex expression.
  • The eval() method of list_t then calls the apply() method of * in order to apply * to (* 4 (+ 1 2)).
  • The apply method of *, starts by evaluating the operands:
    • The evaluation of an integer simply returns the integer, which means that the evaluation of 4 returns 4.
    • The evaluation of the list (+ 1 2) restarts the same process:
      • The eval() method of the list evaluates the first element of the list, which returns the keyword +,
      • The eval() method of the list then applies + to (+ 1 2) by calling the apply() method of +.
      • The apply() method of + applied to (+ 1 2) evaluates the operands, which returns the integers 1 and 2. Then, the apply() method computes the sum of the intermediate results and returns the integer 3.
  • Finally, the apply method of * multiplies the result of the evaluation of the operands: it computes 4 * 3 = 12 and returns that integer.

In this lab, freeing memory is difficult. For this reason, in this exercise, you don't have to implement any destructors, and you don't have to call delete. The memory that you will allocate is wasted during a run, but don't worry, your operating system frees it when your process ends.

Actually, managing memory in our small interpreter is the very reason why garbage collectors were proposed. Technically, the first garbage collector was proposed to automatically manage the memory of an interpreter for the lisp language. If you want to know more about this first garbage collector, you can read this paper: McCarthy, John (1960). "Recursive functions of symbolic expressions and their computation by machine, Part I". Communications of the ACM. 3 (4): 184–195.

Mandatory part

Nodes and integers

We start our journey by implementing the node_t and the integer_t structures.

Implement the node_t structure. A node_t does not have any field. It also does not have constructors. It only provides the following methods:

  • virtual node_t* eval(): by default, in node_t, eval() simply returns this, which is a correct behavior if the node is a keyword or a interger.
  • virtual node_t* apply(list_t* list): by default, in node_t, apply reports an error and quit the process (see below), which is a correct behavior if the node is an integer or a list. Note that you have to pre-declare the structure list_t before the definition of node_t in order to use the list_t type when you define the apply method in node_t.
  • virtual std::string to_string(): since we don't have a satisfactory way of converting a generic node into a string, this method returns the string ???
  • virtual list_t* as_list(): this method convert the node into a list and will be useful in the next exercises. Since a node is not necessary a list, this function reports an error and quits.

In order to report an error and quit in apply, copy-paste this code:

void error(std::string str) __attribute__((noreturn)); void error(std::string str) { std::cout << "Error: " << str << std::endl; exit(1); }

The first line declare that error is a function that does not return. Thanks to that, the compiler will consider that not returning a node_t* in apply after having called error is correct. In the remainder of the lab, when you have to report an error, use this error function.

We can now implement the integer_t structure. This structure inherits from node_t. An integer has a single field: an integer with the type uintptr_t that gives the value of the integer. The type uintptr_t is a type that represents a machine word, which means 64 bits on current machines.

The integer_t structure has also a constructor that initializes the value, and its to_string() method returns a string that represents the value. For that, you can use the function std::string std::to_string(int v), which builds a string from an integer. Since, in node_t, the behavior of eval() and apply() is already correct for a integer_t, you don't have to override these methods.

In main, you can now allocate an integer, evaluate it and print the result. For example, the following code should produce 3 => 3.

node_t* ast = new integer_t { 3 }; std::cout << ast->to_string() << " => " << ast->eval()->to_string() << std::endl
Congratulations! You have just built your first abstract syntax tree! This tree is not very impressive, but all the mechanics to execute an expression are already in place.


We will now start the implementation of the list_t structure. This structure is fundamentally an extensible array of node_t*, not so far from the army of monsters.

Implement a list_t structure. At this step, the structure contains three fields:

  • node_t** elements points to an array, in which each element is a pointer to a node,
  • size_t nb_elements gives the number of elements in the array.
  • size_t capacity gives the total capacity of the array.

Additionally to the fields, add an empty constructor, i.e., a constructor that does not take arguments. The constructor has to initialize elements to nullptr, and nb_elements and capacity to 0.

We can now add five basic functions:

  • list_t* as_list() returns the list.
  • size_t size() returns nb_elements.
  • node_t* at(size_t i) returns the element at the index i. If i is higher than nb_elements, the method uses the error function to report an error.
  • void set_at(size_t i, node_t* value) sets value at the index i. If i is higher than nb_elements, the method uses the error function to report an error.
  • void append(node_t* value) appends a new element to the array. If nb_elements is equal to capacity, the method extends its capacity by allocating a new array and copying the old one into the new one.
  • std::string to_string() returns a string that represents the list with a fully parenthesized notation. For example, printing the list that contains the integer 1, 2 and 3 should return the string (1 2 3).

At this step, if your code is correct, you should already be able to create and print a first list in main, for example with the following code in main:

list_t* ast = new list_t; ast->append(new integer_t { 1 }); ast->append(new integer_t { 2 }); ast->append(new integer_t { 3 }); std::cout << ast->to_string() << std::endl; // should outputs (1 2 3)


It's now time to create keywords.

We will first implement the keyword_t structure. This structure represents a generic keyword. We will implement a concrete keyword by inheriting from keyword_t. Implement the keyword_t structure. This data structure contains:

  • an identifier std::string id, which identifies the keyword. The identifier will be useful when we will print complex trees,
  • a constructor able to initialize this identifier,
  • a to_string() method that returns the identifier surrounded by < and >. Surrounding the keyword with < and > will become useful later when we will introduce symbols in order to avoid mixing up a keyword with a symbol.

Write now a add_t structure that inherits keyword_t. For the moment, add_t has only to define a constructor without argument. This constructor uses the parent's constructor to initialize the identifier of the keyword to the string +. You can now build you first abstract tree by copying this code in main:

node_t* add = new add_t; list_t* ast = new list_t; ast->append(add); ast->append(new list_t); ast->at(1)->as_list()->append(add); ast->at(1)->as_list()->append(new integer_t { 1 }); ast->at(1)->as_list()->append(new integer_t { 2 }); ast->append(new integer_t { 3 }); std::cout << ast->to_string() << " => " << ast->eval()->to_string() << std::endl; // should outputs (<+> (<+> 1 2) 3)
Congratulations! You can now build abstract syntax trees! You cannot yet interpret them, but at least, when you print them, the result is pretty.

Abstract syntax tree interpreter

We will now bring our interpreter to life. For that, we will implement the missing eval and apply methods.

Instead of simply printing the abstract syntax tree of (+ (+ 1 2) 3), try to evaluate it with:

std::cout << ast->to_string() << " => " << ast->eval()->to_string() << std::endl;

Why your program outputs (<+> (<+> 1 2) 3) => (<+> (<+> 1 2) 3)?

We now implement the node_t* eval() function of list_t. As explained in the preamble of the lab, this function has to:

  • Evaluate the first element of the list,
  • call the apply method on the result of this evaluation.

Why, now, your program ends with an error?

As a last step, you have now to implement the apply method of add_t. For that, you have to evaluate the elements of the list by starting from the second one, and to sum up the results of these evaluations. However, since the result of an evaluation is a node_t, you cannot use it as a integer_t. Directly downcasting the result into a integer_t is not a good design choice since the result is not necessarily a node_t. For this reason, we will rely on inheritance to downcast the result. In details:

  • Add virtual uintptr_t int_value() method in node_t that ends with an error explaining that the node is not an integer ,
  • Override uintptr_t int_value() in integer_t to return the value of the integer.

Now, you can convert the result of an evaluation to an integer, for example with at(i)->eval()->int_value(). After having implemented the apply method, your program should output (<+> (<+> 1 2) 3) => 6.

Congratulations! You have now a beautiful abstract syntax tree interpreter!

Call frames and symbols

A language able to add values is funny, but somehow limited. For this reason, we will introduce a notion of variable. For that, we need call frames and symbols.

As a first step, we will create a new type of node: the symbol_t structure. The symbol_t structure inherits from node_t and has a single field: a std::string called id. Implement symbol_t with:

  • A constructor that initializes id,
  • A bool is(std::string id) method that returns true if this->id is equal to id.
  • A std::string to_string() that returns id.

The method bool is(std::string id) will be called on any type of nodes later. For this reason, add also a virtual bool is(std::string id) method in node_t that returns false.

We will now design a call frame. In order to minimize our work, we will represents a call frame as a list, where each element of the list associates a symbol to node. In other words, a call frame is a list, where each element is a list with two elements: a symbol and a node. For example, if frame is a call frame, frame->at(2)->as_list()->at(0) gives the symbol of the second variable, andframe->at(2)->as_list()->at(1) gives its value.

To achieve this goal, implement a new structure called frame_t that inherits from list_t without adding fields. The frame_t structure implements two methods:

  • void set(node_t* sym, node_t* value) finds the symbol sym in the list and updates its value. If the symbol does not yet exist, the method creates it.
  • node_t* get(node_t* sym) returns the value associated to the symbol sym. If the symbol does not exist, the method reports an error.

You can observe that a symbol is considered as a node_t* in get and set. This is on purpose to simplify the code of the next questions. In order to know if an element is a list, you can leverage the bool is(std::string id) and the std::string to_string() method, for example with:

if(sym->is(at(i)->as_list()->at(0)->to_string())) { ... }

To verify that your code is correct, copy-paste this code in main:

frame_t* frame = new frame_t; frame->set(new symbol_t { "a" }, new integer_t { 666 }); frame->set(new symbol_t { "b" }, new integer_t { 21 }); frame->set(new symbol_t { "a" }, new integer_t { 42 }); std::cout << frame->to_string() << ": a=" << frame->get(new symbol_t { "a" })->to_string() << std::endl;

pIf your code is correct, your test should output ((a 42) (b 21)): a=42.

As a last step, we have to be able to convert a symbol into its value when we evaluate a symbol. The problem is that an evaluate function does not have access to the frame. For this reason, you have to add a frame_t* frame argument to the eval() methods and to the apply(list_t* list). Moreover, you have pass this frame_t* argument step by step, from the eval methods to the apply methods, and then back from the apply methods to the eval methods.

At this question, we only focus on passing this frame_t* argument step by step. For that, first, add a frame_t* parameters in all the eval() (i.e., transform each node_t* eval() into a node_t* eval(frame_t* frame). Then, add a frame_t* parameters in all the apply(list_t* list) (i.e., transform each node_t* apply(list_t* list) into a node_t* eval(list_t* list, frame_t* frame). Finally, modify each call to eval or apply in order to pass step by step this frame_t* argument. For that, you can rely on the compiler, which will complain if a frame_t* argument is missing.

Now, implement the node_t* eval(frame_t* frame) method of symbol_t. This function has to return the value associated to the symbol in the frame frame. If your code is correct, the following code should print (<+> (<+> a 2) 3) => 42.

node_t* add = new add_t; symbol_t* a = new symbol_t { "a" }; frame_t* frame = new frame_t; frame->set(a, new integer_t { 37 }); list_t* ast = new list_t; ast->append(add); ast->append(new list_t); ast->at(1)->as_list()->append(add); ast->at(1)->as_list()->append(a); ast->at(1)->as_list()->append(new integer_t { 2 }); ast->append(new integer_t { 3 }); std::cout << ast->to_string() << " => " << ast->eval(frame)->to_string() << std::endl;

The set! keyword

For the last exercise of the mandatory part, you will implement a set! keyword. This keyword stores a value into a variable. For example, the expression (set! a (+ 1 2)) stores the integer 3 into the variable a. In order to achieve that goal, the set! keyword has use frame->set() to set the value of the variable (and to create it if it does not yet exist).

Implement the set! keyword with a structure called set_t.

Congratulations! You were able to implement a basic but working abstract syntax tree interpreter!

At this step, you probably understand how you can easily add new keywords. For that, you have to create a new structure that inherits from keyword_t and to define a new node_t* apply(frame_t* frame, list_t* list) method. For example, if we supposed an inequality test operator implemented (i.e., a < keyword), implementing a loop to evaluate an expression such as (while (< i 0) (set! i (+ i 1))) is as simple as:

node_t* apply(frame_t* frame, list_t* list) { node_t* res = 0; while(list->at(1)->eval(frame)->int_value() != 0) for(size_t i=2; i<list->size(); i++) res = list->at(2)->eval(frame); return res; }
Non mandatory part

For the students interested by the subject, you can continue the exercise to see how you complete the runtime for our lisp language. This part is not graded and is not mandatory. It is only here if you are curious. Implementing the whole interpreter does not require many lines of code: the code of the complete runtime is roughly 400 lines long.

Lexer and parser

Manually building the abstract syntax trees as we have done in the first part is long and boring. For this reason, before implementing new interesting keywords, we will need a front-end for our language runtime. The front-end takes as entry a source code and uses it to build the abstract syntax tree.

Traditionally a language front-end is built in two parts: a lexer and a parser. A lexer is in charge of identifying the words of the language, which are usually called the token. For example, with a sentence like (+ (+ var 12) 42), the lexer will generate this stream of tokens: (, +, (, +, var, 12, ), 42 and ). In this stream, (, +, var, ) are symbols, while 12 and 14 are integers. In a most language, the lexer directly generates keyword nodes for the keywords and symbols for the symbols, but in lisp, it is much easier to only consider symbols at this step.

The parser consumes the stream of tokens. It is in charge of building the abstract syntax tree.

We will start by implementing the lexer. For that, you have to define a lexer_t structure. This structure has two parameters:

  • std::istream* is is an input stream. This class has one useful method in the exercise: the int get() method, which reads a character from the stream.
  • int next gives the next character. Keeping this character is required because, sometimes, two tokens are not separated by a space. For example, when the lexer analyzes 12) it finds the end of the integer 12 by reading the character ). At this step, the lexer returns the integer_t 12. Since ) is already consumed from the input stream, we have to keep it somewhere: this is the goal of the next field.

Implement a first version of the lexer_t structure with these two fields. Add a constructor that initializes is from a parameter, and next to ' '. Considering that the next character is ' ' is correct since the lexer ignores them. In main, create a lexer with the expression lexer_t lexer(&std::cin). The std::cin object is the standard input stream and reads the characters from the terminal.

Add a method node_t* next_token() in lexer_t. The method has first to ignore the spaces. In details, while next is a space, you have to read a new character and to store it in next. In order to know if a character is a space, you can use std::isspace(int c), which return true if the character is a space (i.e., ' ', '\n', a tabulation etc.).

Then, depending on the first character that is not a space, we have several choices:

  • If next is equal to EOF, which represents the end of a file, it's an error: the stream is not supposed to end abruptly.
  • If next is equal to a parenthesis, we have to allocate a symbol initialized with the character, to call is->get() to prepare the next character for the next token, and to return the symbol.
  • Otherwise, it means that the character starts either an integer or a symbol. In order to handle both cases, you need three local variables:
    • uintptr_t number = 0 gives the value of the number if it happens that we are reading a number,
    • std::string str = "" gives the value of the symbol if it happens that we are reading a string,
    • bool is_number = true indicates whether we are reading an integer or string. Initially, we consider that we are reading an integer, and if we read a character that is not an integer, we will switch this boolean to false.
    After having initialized the three variables, you need an infinite loop. This loop:
    • sets is_number to false if next is not a number, i.e., if next is strictly lower than the character '0' or if next is strictly higher than '9'.
    • updates number by multiplying it by 10, and by adding (next - '0') to it since (next - '0') gives the integer associated to the character,
    • appends next to str by using the += operator,
    • reads the next character and stores it in next,
    • at this step, if the new next is a space or a parenthesis, it means that we have our token. We can just return it: an integer initialized with number if is_number is true, or a symbol initialized with str otherwise.

In main, add an infinite loop that reads tokens, and then prints them by using the to_string() method. Test that your code is correct with different expressions such as (+ (+ var 12) 42). Your program should print the different tokens, i.e., (, +, (, +, var, 12, ), 42 and ).

To quit your program, you have to type Control + c

We can now implement our parser, which builds an abstract syntax tree by consuming the token generated by the lexer. For that, implement a method node_t* parser(lexer_t* lexer). The parser is surprisingly simple if we implement it recursively. In details, the parser reads a token, and if the token is not the "(" symbol, it returns it (recall that you have a bool is(std::string id) to know if a node is the symbol "("). Otherwise, i.e., if the token is an opening parenthesis, the parser function creates a list, and call recursively parser in a loop that ends when the token is the symbol ")". At each step of the loop, the parser function simply appends the node returned by the recursive call to the list.

In main, in the infinite loop, instead of using the lexer, print the abstract syntax tree returned by the parser.

We can now evaluate our abstract syntax trees and print the result in the infinite loop. For that, you have to create a frame before the infinite loop, and to fill it with our two keywords since the abstract syntax tree does not contains the keywords, but the symbols that represent the keyword. For example, to resolve the symbol + to the keyword add_t, you simply have to write frame->set(new symbol_t { "+" }, new add_t). If your code is correct, you can already performed addition and use variables. Impressive, isn't it?

Exception and error handling

Terminating our program when the user enter an invalid an expression is not user-friendly. Instead of quitting, we will rely on what is called an exception. Without giving the details, in error, replace all the code by the expression throw str;. This expression throws an exception, which means that it inspects the frames of the callers one by one, up to reaching a point where the exception is catched. In the infinite loop in main, surround the code by try { old code here } catch(std::string str) { std::cout << "Error: " << str << std::endl; }. You can test that now, when an error occurs (e.g., because you try to execute (1 2)), your program restarts its execution in the main loop.

Before going further, we need some keywords. Implement the following keywords:

  • - such as in (- x) or (- x 2): inverts the parameter if the list has a single parameter, computes a subtraction otherwise.
  • =, < etc. such as in (< x 10): compares two nodes, by supposing that they are integer,
  • if such as in (if (= x 10) 0) or (if (= x 10) 0 1): implements a conditional. If the conditional is false and if the list has only two elements, you can return the integer 0.
  • begin such as (begin (set! x 1) (set! y 2)): groups together a set of expression. In details, it executes the expression one after the other and returns the last.

At this step, you should be able to execute a complex code such as:

(while (< x 10) (if (= x 2) (begin (set! y 42) (set! z 100))))

Lambda expression

We will now implement the functions and the function calls. For that we will use what we call a lambda expression. A lambda expression is a list that starts by the keyword lambda. Additionally to the keyword, a lambda expression contains two other elements: a list of parameters and a body. For example (lambda(x) (+ x 1)) represents a function with a single parameter named x, and that returns the value (+ x 1).

When we evaluate a lambda expression, we cannot yet call the function: technically, when we evaluate (lambda(x) (+ x 1)), we don't know yet what x will be. For this reason, the node_t* eval(frame_t* frame) function of a lambda expression returns the lambda expression. Like that, we can, for example, save a lambda expression in a symbol, like in (set! f (lambda(x) (+ x 1))). If you evaluate f in this case, your program will thus also print the lambda expression.

In order to call a lambda expression, we have to use it, for example with (f 2), which calls the lambda expression with the parameter 2. Since the evaluation of f returns the lambda expression, the interpreter will call the apply method of (lambda(x) (+ x 1)) with the initial list as parameter, i.e., (f 2). Since (lambda(x) (+ x 1)) is a list, it is the apply method of list_t that is called. A list_t is thus the interpreter of a lambda expression. The node_t* apply(frame_t* frame, list_t* list) methods of list_t has to:

  • Create a new frame new_frame to store the local variables of the function that will be called,
  • Create the parameters in new_frame. For that, apply has to iterate over the elements of the second element of this (this->at(1), this->at(1) etc.), and for each symbol, it has to set the symbol to the evaluation of the argument (i.e., list->at(1)->eval(frame), list->at(2)->eval(frame) etc.).
  • Start the execution of the body, technically by evaluating it with the new frame (this->at(2)->eval(new_frame)).

With the algorithm described above, new_frame only contains the local variable, but not the keywords, which are defined in the root frame created in the main function. In order to retrieve them, we will link the frame of a callee to the frame of its caller. Technically, it means that you have to add a frame_t* parent field in frame_t, and to initialize it through a constructor. For the root frame, i.e., the initial frame created in main, the parent has to be set to nullptr.

Additionally to adding a parent field, modify the method get to try to find a symbol in the parent's frame if the variable is not defined in the frame.

Add the lambda keyword. The apply method of the lambda keyword simply returns the list parameter without evaluating it.

Try to execute:
(set! f (lambda(x) (+ x 1))) f

If your program is correct, the interpreter should just print the lambda expression.

Add the eval method in list_t. The method is in charge of invoking the lambda expression as described above.

Congratulations! You made it, you wrote your first language runtime for a lisp language!

Making all that magic

Our language runtime cannot communicate with the user yet. For that, you have to access C functions such as printf, which rely on the operating system to communicate with the user. These functions are said to be foreign functions, since they are not defined in the target language (i.e., lisp in our case). In order to invoke a foreign function, we need a wrapper. For that, we could define our wrappers as keywords, which would solve the problem. However, writing these keywords will become quite repetitive. For this reason, we will use a more generic solution, which consists in generating on demand the wrappers to invoke the foreign functions.

To generate on demand these wrappers, we will rely on a function provides by the C library called dlsym(void* handle, const char* name). dlsym looks up, in the binary file or shared library represented by handle, the value associated to the symbol named name. This is similar to what you have done with the get method of frame_t, which looks up a value associated to a symbol name. In our case, dlsym becomes interesting with the predefined RTLD_DEFAULT library, which represents our own binary. With that, we can extract the address of a symbol inside our own binary. For example, to extract the address of printf, you can write dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "printf").

If you want to see all the symbols of your binary, you can use the command nm. The C symbols are encoded as they written, but the C++ symbols are encoded in a strange way with their types. To see the corresponding symbols, you can chain nm with c++filt. For example, the following command prints all the C++ symbols with their associated encoded names:

nm -j ./ast | while read s; do printf "%-60s => %s\n" "$(c++filt $s)" "$s"; done

If you're looking for a specific symbol, you can chain the result of the previous command with grep. For example, to see all symbols of the list_t structure, you can use

nm -j ./ast | while read s; do printf "%-60s => %s\n" "$(c++filt $s)" "$s"; done | grep 'list_t::'

In order to extract a symbol of our library, we need strings. Implement a string_t structure that inherits node_t. A string_t has a single field with the type std::string that represents the string, and its std::string to_string() method simply returns it.

Modify the lexer to be able to parse a string. For that, if the token starts by ", you have to accumulate the characters in the str local variable, and to return the string when you find the ending " (don't forget to call is->get() before returning to prepare the next token). While you process an integer or a symbol, you also have to stop when you find a ", since this symbol indicates that you are starting a string. Check that you are now able to parse string by typing "hello" in the interpreter. If your code is correct, your interpreter should output hello.

We can now create our foreign function interface (FFI). For that, we use a trick: we consider that if a list starts with an integer, then the integer is the address of a function. For this reason, the void apply(frame_t* frame, list_t* list) will act as our foreign function interface. Since writing the code to indirectly call a function through a pointer in a generic way is difficult, we provide the code of this apply method:

node_t* integer_t::apply(frame_t* frame, list_t* list) { uintptr_t (*f)(uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t) = (uintptr_t (*)(uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t))int_value(); uintptr_t (*g)(uintptr_t, ...) = (uintptr_t (*)(uintptr_t, ...))int_value(); std::string strs[4]; uintptr_t args[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; size_t n = list->size() < 5 ? list->size() : 5; for(size_t i=1; i<n; i++) { node_t* arg = list->at(i)->eval(frame); std::cout << "str: '" << arg->to_string() << "'" << std::endl; args[i-1] = arg->is_integer() ? arg->int_value() : (uintptr_t)(strs[i-1] = arg->to_string()).c_str(); } if((uintptr_t)f == (uintptr_t)printf || (uintptr_t)f == (uintptr_t)vprintf || (uintptr_t)f == (uintptr_t)snprintf) return new integer_t { g(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]) }; else return new integer_t { f(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]) }; }

To understand the code, f is a pointer to a function with 4 arguments (the maximum number of arguments that we handle), while g is a pointer to a function with a variadic number of arguments. f and g are initialized with the int_value() of the integer, which is supposed to be a function pointer. The loop is in charge of extracting the arguments and of preparing them for the foreign call. To differentiate an integer and a string, the code uses is_integer() that you have to implement. The last line uses g for the common variadic calls (e.g., the printf functions family), and f otherwise.

To make the code run, you have to implement an is_integer() that returns false for all the node types but integer_t.

Now that we have a foreign function interface, we can expose the dlsym function and the RTLD_DEFAULT handle in the language with:

frame->set(new symbol_t { "dlsym" }, new integer_t { (uintptr_t)dlsym }); frame->set(new symbol_t { "dlself" }, new integer_t { (uintptr_t)RTLD_DEFAULT });

If everything works well, you can use dlsym to create on demand new foreign functions interface. If your code is correct, you should be able to execute this program:

(begin (set! printf (dlsym dlself "printf")) (set! exit (dlsym dlself "exit")) (printf "\n=== welcome ===\n") (set! f (lambda(x) (begin (set! i 0) (while (< i x) (begin (printf "i: %d\n" i) (set! i (+ i 1))))))) (set! g (lambda(x) (f (+ x 2)))) (g 3) (exit 42))

Congratulation, you have a basic complete language runtime. The runtime is not perfect and can be extended, but adding new features now is only a matter of engineering: all the basics elements of any language runtime are present.

If you want to test the code, you can download the code below and try to execute cat test.lsp | ./ast.