Object-oriented Programming in C++

Bachelor of Science, École Polytechnique

The Lanister bank, part I

The objective of this exercise is to familiarize you with templates.

In this exercise, you will design a small bank, focusing on the problem of quickly searching for a customer by their name. This quick search problem is quite general: any web application, like Facebook, must be able to retrieve an account based on a login ID.

At a high level, the problem of storing a bank’s customers is quite similar to the problem of storing monsters in a monster army. Since the number of a bank’s customers is unknown and unbounded, you have seen so far that customers can be stored in a dynamic array or in a linked list. Neither of these two structures is suitable:

  • A dynamic array is unsuitable because a bank has a large (unbounded) number of customers. If you used a dynamic array to store our customers, you would risk having to resize (and thus copy) an enormous array when adding a new customer, which would severely impact performance.
  • A linked list is also unsuitable because this structure is particularly inefficient for searching. Indeed, with a linked list, the only way to reach the nth element in the list is to exhaustively traverse the previous n-1 nodes. If the linked list has N nodes, and if searches are evenly distributed across all customers, you would therefore need to traverse, on average, N/2 nodes to find a customer. If N is very large, this complexity seriously degrades performance.

Since none of the data structures studied so far are suitable, we introduce binary search trees in this lab. This data structure has the advantage of handling an unbounded number of elements while being efficient for adding or searching for elements. The algorithm you will study in this exercise is (relatively) simple to implement but can lead to inefficiency issues that we present at the end of the exercise. To address these inefficiencies, there are red-black trees or 2-3-4 trees, and we encourage curious students and algorithm enthusiasts to explore them.

In order to design a generic code, you will implement the binary search tree as a map. A map is a data structure that associates keys to values. For the bank, the key is a string that gives the name of a customer, and the value is the balance of the account. You will also implement the binary search tree in a generic way, which means that the data structure itself will not be tailored for the bank use case, but designed to associate any type of keys to any type of values. For that, you will rely on templates

Basic structures

In this exercise, we simply start by defining two central structures:

    treemap_t represents a binary search tree. It associates keys to values.

    pair_t represents an association between a key and a value.

In a file treemap.h, define a treemap_t structure. A treemap is defined as a template structure with two parameters: K gives the type of a key, and V gives the type of a value. For the moment, the treemap_t structure is empty (no fields, no constructors, not methods). Note that any element defined inside treemap_t is parameterized by K and V.

We will now define the pair_t structure. A pair associates a key with the template type K to a value with the template type V. We will define the pair_t structure as an nested class inside treemap_t. Thanks to that, pair_t is also parameterized by K and V without having to repeat template <class K, classV>. Your code will thus look like that:

template <class K, class V> struct treemap_t { struct pair_t { ... }; };

pair_t has two fields: key with the type K and value with the type V.

In a file main.cpp, add a main function. Inside the main function, defines a variable pair that associates a std::string to a double, and initialize it to Tyrion for the key and 2.0 for the value. If your code is correct, the following code should output Tyrion: 2€:

std::cout << pair.key << ": " << pair.value << "€" << std::endl;

The tree

Now that the basic structure of the code is correct, we can implement the binary search tree. A binary tree consists of nodes, and each node has two children: a left child and a right child.

For a binary search tree, each node is labeled with a value defined on a totally ordered set. In our case, this is the name of the owner of the bank account, and the order used is the lexicographical order based on the account names. The principle of a binary search tree is that the labels under the left child (included) of a node are all strictly smaller than the node’s label, and those under the right child (included) are all stictly larger.

The figure below illustrates the principle. If we take, for example, the node labeled with Jaime’s account, we can see that the nodes to the left are smaller and those to the right are larger.

[Tyrion] / \ [Jaime] [Tywin] / \ \ [Cersei] [Kevan] [Willem] / \ [Alton] [Lancel] \ [Martyn]

To represent a node in the tree, we need a node_t data structure. This structure inherits from pair_t, and adds three other fields:

  • node_t* parent: nullptr for the root of the tree, the parent in the tree otherwise,
  • node_t* left: left child,
  • node_t* right: right child.

Implement node_t as an nested class inside treemap_t. Add a constructor to node_t. The constructor takes a parent as parameter and initializes adequately the parent field. The constructor also initializes the children to nullptr.

In treemap_t, add a node_t* root field initialized to nullptr with a constructor of treemap_t. root gives the root of the binary search tree.

You will now implement the central method of treemap_t:

node_t* lookup(node_t** pcur, node_t* parent, const K* key, bool create)

The lookup method is used to add a new pair (when create is true) or to retrieve an existing pair (when create is false or true).

The lookup method explores the tree recursively. For that, it takes three other parameters:

  • pcur is a pointer to a node_t*. *pcur is the current node explored by lookup (see below),
  • parent gives the parent of *pcur (nullptr when we explore the root node),
  • key is the key that we are looking for in the tree.

The argument pcur is subtle: it is a pointer to a memory location that contains itself a pointer to the node currently explored by lookup. Initially, pcur is a pointer to the root field of a treemap_t, which means that *pcur points to the root node. If the root node does not yet exist, we can create it in lookup with *pcur = new node_t { parent }. Then, while we are traversing the tree, pcur points to the left or right field of the parent of the current node. For example, if we want to insert "Darth Vader", we will end up with pcur that points to the right field inside the node "Cersei" (see the tree above). To create the node "Darth Vader", we have to execute *pcur = new node_t { parent }, which will allocate the memory for "Darth Vader", and set the right field of "Cersei" to this node. As a result, you can observe that we execute the exact same operation to allocate a root node or an intermediate node: we have to execute *pcur = new node_t { parent } in both cases. In the lookup code, you should thus not distinguish the case where we allocate the root node or an intermediate node. If you click on need help, you will see a graphical representation of the two cases.

# Initial state Type Memory content Memory address ------------ treemap_t::root | nullptr | 0x10000 ------------ # Lookup to create Tyrion - pcur: 0x1000 (pointer to the root field in the treemap_t) - parent: nullptr => to create Tyrion: *pcur = new node_t { parent } # State after Type Memory content Memory address ------------ treemap_t::root | 0x1100 | 0x1000 ------------ ------------ node_t::parent | 0x1000 | 0x1100 node_t::left | nullptr | 0x1108 node_t::right | nullptr | 0x1110 node_t::key | "Tyrion" | 0x1118 ------------ # Lookup to create Jaime - pcur: 0x1000 (pointer to the root field in the treemap_t) - parent: nullptr => Since *pcur not null and Jaime < Tyrion, execute pcur = &(*pcur)->left, which means that: - pcur: 0x1108 (pointer to the left field in the node_t Tyrion) - parent: 0x1000 (pointer to node of Tyrion) => to create Jaime: *pcur = new node_t { parent } # State after Type Memory content Memory address ------------ treemap_t::root | 0x1100 | 0x1000 ------------ ------------ node_t::parent | 0x1000 | 0x1100 node_t::left | 0x1200 | 0x1108 node_t::right | nullptr | 0x1110 node_t::key | "Tyrion" | 0x1118 ------------ ------------ node_t::parent | 0x1100 | 0x1200 node_t::left | nullptr | 0x1208 node_t::right | nullptr | 0x1210 node_t::key | "Jaime" | 0x1218 ------------

Implement the lookup method. You can test it with the following code:

treemap_t<std::string, double> map; std::string name; name = "Tyrion"; map.lookup(&map.root, nullptr, &name, true); name = "Jaime"; map.lookup(&map.root, nullptr, &name, true); name = "Cersei"; map.lookup(&map.root, nullptr, &name, true);

To illustrate how lookup works, we suppose that we are trying to create an account for a user "Darth Vader" in the tree given above. Initially, we call thus lookup with the following parameters:

  • pcur is a pointer to root inside treemap_t,
  • parent is equal to nullptr since we are starting from the root of the tree,
  • key is a pointer to the std::string "Darth Vader",
  • create is true since we want to create the account if it does not yet exist.

At this step, *pcur is not null: it points to root. We can create a local variable node_t* cur = *pcur. cur is pointer to Tyrion: the node that we are exploring in lookup. *key and cur->key are different since "Darth Vader" and "Tyrion" are different, so we have to explore a child. Note that if we had called lookup with "Tyrion", we would have returned cur at this step since we would have found the node that represents "Tyrion".

To know which child we have to explore, we have to compare *key to cur->key with *key < cur->key. "Darth Vader" is lower than "Tyrion" (D is before T in the alphabet). We have thus to explore the left node of "Tyrion". For that, we simply have to call lookup(&cur->left, cur, key, create). In this call, pcur is a pointer to the left node of "Tyrion", which means that *pcur is a pointer to "Jaime". parent is a pointer to the node "Tyrion".

Similarly, lookup will traverse the tree step by step:

  • When lookup explores "Jaime" (i.e., *pcur points to "Jaime"), lookup goes to the left by calling lookup(&cur->left, cur, key, create),
  • When lookup explores "Cersei" (i.e., *pcur points to "Cersei"), lookup goes to the right by calling lookup(&cur->right, cur, key, create).

At this stage, pcur is a pointer the right field inside "Cersei". *pcur is thus null: "Cersei" does not have yet a right child. Here, we have two possibilities:

  • If create is false, the function returns nullptr since the key does not exist.
  • Otherwise, we have to create a new node. For that, calling *pcur = new node_t { parent } does the job: this expression will set the right node of "Cersei" to the new node. We can then set the key of the node to "Darth Vader" with (*pcur)->key = *key. After, the code continues normally: it stores *pcur in cur, which means that cur is a pointer to the newly allocated "Darth Vader". Since now *key == cur->key, the code returns cur.
Implementing this lookup method is quite complex and you made it, congratulations!

The lookup method can create or retrieve a node, but using it is not yet very intuitive. We will hide this complexity behind two new methods of treemap_t:

  • void set_at(const K key, const V value): this method creates the key key in the map if it does not yet exist, and updates its value of it already exists.
  • V at(const K key): this method retrieves the value associated to key. If key does not exist, the method prints a message and quit the process with exit.

If your code is correct, the following code should output 48:

map.set_at("Tyrion", 2); map.set_at("Jaime", 15); map.set_at("Cersei", 63); map.set_at("Tywin", 75); map.set_at("Kevan", 48); map.set_at("Lancel", 70); map.set_at("Alton", 54); map.set_at("Martyn", 32); map.set_at("Willem", 6); std::cout << map.at("Kevan") << std::endl;

Add now a method display() in treemap_t to print a complete tree. The display() method should output the tree by indenting the nodes like that:

(Alton, 54) (Cersei, 63) (Jaime, 15) (Kevan, 48) (Lancel, 70) (Martyn, 32) (Tyrion, 2) (Tywin, 75) (Willem, 6)
You can implement display() recursively by using an intermediate method void display(node_t* cur, std::string prefix). cur enumerates all the nodes, and prefix is the prefix that you want to print before the node (a string with spaces). To display cur, you have to display recursively cur->left, then to print cur, and then to display recursively cur>right.


We will now enrich our bank with a new feature, which will allow the user to enumerate the nodes in the order of the tree (i.e., by starting by the lowest node to the left, i.e., "Alton" in our case). For that, we will implement what we call an iterator. An iterator is data structure that points to a current node, and that mainly offers a void next() method able to move to the next node. With our tree, the iterator initially points to "Alton", and after a call the next(), it points to "Cersei". When the iterator points to the last node (i.e., "Willem" in our case), a call to next() makes the iterator points to nullptr, which terminates the iteration.

We will implement the iterator with a data structure called iterator_t defined as a nested class in treemap_t. iterator_t has a single field: node_t* cur, which gives the current node of the iterator. Its constructor takes as argument a root node. The constructor initializes cur to the first node ("Alton" in our case). It also has a void next() method that moves cur to the next node.

With this interface, we can enumerate the nodes of the tree with this code:

for(treemap_t<std::string, double>::iterator_t it = treemap_t<std::string, double>::iterator_t { map.root }; it.cur != nullptr; it.next()) { std::cout << it.cur->key << " => " << it.cur->value << std::endl; }

In this code, the first line of the for creates and initializes the iterator. The second line means that the loop ends when it.cur is null. The third line means that, at each step of the loop, we call it.next() to move to the next node. In the body of the loop, we simply print the node. The code should thus output:

Alton => 54 Cersei => 63 Jaime => 15 Kevan => 48 Lancel => 70 Martyn => 32 Tyrion => 2 Tywin => 75 Willem => 6

Implement the iterator_t structure.

The constructor has to find the lowest node to the left of the tree. The next method is more complex. To find the next node, we have two possibilities:

  • If cur has a right node (for example, when cur points to "Jaime"), We have to find the lowest node to the left, by starting from cur->right. For example, if we start from Jaime, cur->right points to "Kevan". The lowest node to the left of "Kevan" is "Kevan" itself since "Kevan" does not have a left child.
  • If cur does not have a right node, we have to go up. For example, if cur points to "Martyn", the next node is "Tyrion". For that, we have to go up step by step in a loop. For each cur, if cur has a parent, and if cur is the right child of its parent (i.e., if cur == cur->parent->right), we have to continue to go up by setting cur to cur->parent. For example, if cur points to "Martyn", since "Martyn" is the right child of "Lancel", we go up and thus restart with cur that points to "Lancel". "Lancel" is itself the right child of "Kevan", so, we continue to go up, up to "Jaime", since "Jaime" is not the right child of "Tyrion". After this loop, we simply have to set cur to the parent of cur ("Tyrion" in our case).

In order to ease the use of our data structure, add a iterator_t begin() to treemap_t. This method returns an iterator to the map. Thanks to this method, we can simplify the loop that iterates over the pairs into:

for(treemap_t<std::string, double>::iterator_t it = map.begin(); it.cur != nullptr; it.next()) { std::cout << it.cur->key << " => " << it.cur->value << std::endl; }

auto keyword

A template type can quickly become cumbersome. For example, for the user, writing the type treemap_t<std::string, double>::iterator_t is not very convenient. For this reason, the C++ language offers a generic type called auto. The type of an auto variable is deduced from the expression that initializes the variable. Thanks to the auto keyword, we can thus simplify the loop that enumerates the elements of our bank with:

for(auto it = map.begin(); it.cur != nullptr; it.next()) { std::cout << it.cur->key << " => " << it.cur->value << std::endl; }
See Lab 7.